Stopover in Abu Dhabi
On Thursday morning we arrived at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, for a stopover. We took a cab to downtown and one of the first questions the driver asked us was "How many wives are you allowed to have in Austria?" ;-) While the cab was air-conditioned, the town is obviously not. We were able to experience that while walking along a rather short road, at least it seemed so. However, after reaching the Abu Dhabi heritage village 15 minutes later we both were completely wet and desperate for a bottle of water. At least we found a geocache there! On our way back a nice guy gave us a lift and wanted to bring us to the near-by shopping center. When he heard about our plans of visiting the 7*-Emirates Palace hotel he took us there, as you can only enter by car. Wet like hell we didnt't really fit there - but anyway, great place! We'll post photos as soon as our laptop is working again (sadly, it's already damaged).
Other sights visited include the Grand Mosque, the Marina mall, Corniche, and the Gold Souk. Woman usually don't have to wear a head scarf, but inside the mosque it was mandatory - as you can see on the picture. We were pretty impressed by the mosque, the 7*-hotel, and the nice sea - but that's it. Abu Dhabi is not our favorite place to live: foggy, stuffy, and incredibly hot ;-)
Realy cool look, we would like to see you in austria like that again!
lg angleitners
hey, awesome pics so far. :) keep us posted - i would love to see more of your trip! heidi
Hallo ihr zwoa Schätz
des sind scho ganz tolle Beiträgvo eurer super Reise. Julia , du bischt o mit am Kopftuach an tolla "Has". gg Freu mi scho uf eure nöschta Berichte.
Bussi Imi
Hey ihr zwei!
Also ein 7 sterne hotel hätten wir in Klafu auch dringend gebraucht...war ein leicht grindiges aber absolut geniales und lustiges Wochenende. Sind dieses Jahr mit dem Beach Boat gefahren, Party am Schiff :D
Samstagabend sind wir heim, weil sonst hätt ich mich selbst gemordet, wenn ich noch eine nacht auf dem "zeltplatz" mit festivalcharakter übernachten hätte müssen.
Bussale nach Australien
Hello, my dears!
What a wonderful pair!!
I wish you a beautiful journey.My heart and my mind are with you.
I send you my love
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