Litchfield National Park
We woke up early in the morning at Florence Falls. After a short breakfast we decided to go down to the falls to have a swim. It was very beautiful down there and we enjoyed the pool. Afterwards we went on to Buley Rockholes – an area where there are many tiny small waterfalls and little pools where you can have a swim. Later we enjoyed a walk up to Tolmer waterfalls, however it is only possible to see them from above because lots of flying foxes inhabit this area. Then we went on to Wangi Fall, where we met Lee and Sandra by chance. We didn't go for a swim there because some signs warned us that there are freshies (smaller crocodiles) in the water and sometimes even salties came up here. However we went for a tropical walk and enjoyed the scenic view. Afterwards we decided to go back to Buley Rockholes to swim because it was so lovely there and of course there were no freshies! :-) After having enjoyed the swim we went on to our next destination: Kakadu National Park. However we were a bit late and it is very dangerous to drive at night because of kangaroos jumping in front of the car. This can be seen by many dead kangaroos and wallabies along the road. Therefore we decided to stay the night at Bark Hut Inn campground. We got a powered site for just 20 dollars, which is very cheap.
1 comment:
Hallo ihr Liaba
dk für euren langersehnten,spannenden Eintrag. Habe mich schlau gemacht, dank Internet unter die freshies sind Süsswasserkrokodile . Sie sind auch gefährlich, bitte aufpassen. Andi du kennst meinen Traum. Hannerl hat heute tel, sie hat ein sms bekommen, soll schöne Grüsse ausrichten.
Bussi Imi
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