On the 22nd of October I started with my work at the Scholars Education Centre. It is a private highschool and in the afternoon a tutoring centre. I have nice co-workers with whom I have lots of fun, sometimes we eat together our lunch- by the way most of the time sandwich or pizza.
The first week was a little bit chaotic, because the last Education Coordinator quit the job and so the new one started the same time as I.
But in my third week I developed an even rhythm. In the morning I update the binder of the tutoring students, check the teachers’ comments and make a plan what the student should work on next. When I'm finished with this, I help the education coordinator with her work, make the timetable, talk to parents, and copy some sheets especially for SSAT preparation, a special test for the students who would like to attend a private high school instead of the public one.
I also have to answer the phone, which I first thought would be quit difficult to understand the people, but after some talk, I have now no problems any longer to understand them.
At 4 pm the tutoring students come and I mostly tutor some of them, most of the time for one hour, but sometimes two hours. I mostly tutor them in English, which is sometime quit challenging for me, because they are native speaker. At first I was a little bit afraid, but now I really enjoy it and I learn a lot in English, but also for my later job as a teacher. I also help them with there problems in Mathematic and Science and I also do some SSAT preparation.
Hallo Julia,
also so wie ich verstanden habe in der chaotischen Google Übersetzung , bist du schon eine perfekte Englsich und Mathe Lehrerin, toll. Es war sicher für dich auch eine sehr tolle und lehrreiche Zeit in Kanada, toll.
Vielleicht gibts nochmal einen Beitrag im Inigüxla? Wäre schön.
Bussi Imi
Hallo Andi!
Hallo Julia (noch unbekannterweise)!
Wow, das klingt ja spannend, was Ihr erlebt und unternehmt!
Vielen Dank, Andi, dass Du mir den Link geschickt hast!
Ich habe leider erst jetzt die Zeit gefunden, alles in Ruhe zu lesen und finde es toll, dass Ihr auf diese Weise andere an Euren Erlebnissen teilhaben lasst!
Viel Spaß weiterhin
und bis bald bei OMICRON ;-) !
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