The McMaster Outdoor Club offered a Montreal Trip over the Thanksgiving Weekend. We always wanted to go there and so we joined them. On Friday afternoon our journey began, again in our beloved yellow school buses. It took us almost 9 hours to arrive in Montreal, because there were lots of traffic jams due to the long weekend.
After the long bus tour we all went for a Cider and afterwards into our room, which was by the way very big and nice, except the bed. You can see the reason in our photo album. But we had luck, because Andi and I we got a room just for ourselves whereas most of the others slept in a 6 or even 10 beds room.
The next day we visited most of the famous placed in Montreal. In the morning we went up to the hill, where we had an excellent view over the city and in the afternoon we went to see Vieux Montreal. We also wanted to take a short look into the basilica of Notre Dame, but there where 5 weddings on that day. I forgot my dress and Andi his suit and so we weren’t allowed to have a look inside. In the evening we went to see a movie and the famous Underground City. However, we were a little disappointed, because it just consists of some connected shopping centers.
We also behaved like Chinese people, but somehow the Chinese guys looked astonished about us - you can also see that in our photo album.

On the next day we decided to rent a car and then travel to Quebec. One of our group members, Soeren from Denmark, joined us. When we arrived we were fascinated by this city, it’s such a lovely city with narrow streets and little houses. It was also a beautiful day and so we had lots of fun, discovering Quebec. Again, we visited a Fairmont Hotel and even sneaked into the magnificent washrooms, which are usually reserved for hotel guests. At the end of the day we ate crepes in a restaurant and afterwards drove back to Montreal. The next day the yellow school bus brought us back to Hamilton, which took us the whole day and caused a lot of pain for our bodies.
1 comment:
danke für dia soo tolla fotos
Des ischt wieder a total andere Stadt, i glob des wär bis jetzt mine Lieblingsstadt, Quebec.So bärig, wenn ma durchs Lob spürza kann, kennscht des Julia? do wär i o dabei gg. Mit am schlofa hondr net so a glück, oamol kut an Bär, denn kracht s Bett zemma owe!!
I hoff, ihr hond noch a paar tolle Täg mitnander Bussi Imi
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