Starting from Munich, we travelled via London to Vancouver. It was a funny flight, because we had a video on demand system with a monitor in the back of every seat. The service and food was great - we can only recommend British Airways. During our time at London Heathrow Airport we checked out the way from Terminal 4 to Terminal 1, because we have to be very quick on our way back in December...but therefore we had to pass security three times!
Finally in Vancouver, we went through Customs without problems and I've got my study permit. We travelled by free bus (because of the friendly driver) to our hotel, which is pretty old & cheap - but clean. We've got free Internet here and the staff is very friendly.
In the evening, we discovered Vancouvers downtown, including the Harbor Center and the Canada Place. See more pictures in our Vancouver Photo Album. After having the best burger and chips so far, we were happy to go to bed! All the best from Vancouver.
Hallo ihr zwoa!
Freut mi, dass ihr guat ako sind. Mittlerweile hond ihr jo sicher scho einiges erlebt. I freu mi scho uf witere Berichte.
Glg Sarah
mir fallt grad uf, daß ihr dia Tshirts inegüxla noch net uf da fotos aka hond , passts dr Julia net?
Laut Plan sindr hüt scho in Edmonton und gond rafting.Freu mi scho uf di neua fotos .
Bussi und honds frei. Imi
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