Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pure nature

Our second day in Yellowstone Nationalpark is easy to summarize: wildlife, waterfalls, canyons and – of course – a lot of fun. Our trip started early, we passed the park entrance at 10:30am (wow!) and followed the road to the north loop. Our first stop was Norris Geyser Basin, where I started to smoke (as you can see on the picture). However, we were not as impressed of the geysers over here as we were the day before and so we went on to Canyon Village.

Using the little one-way sight roads we were able to see a lot of wildlife, including deers, does, a moose, and a wolve. It was amazing how fearless the people around approached the animals. Although we were further away than all the others, one woman came to Julia and told her to stay away from the moose because she was wearing a red shirt. We also “saw” a bear near the road – actually we just saw something moving for a second, but people kept telling us that they can see a bear (about 500m away behind the trees). However, they also said it was running and then it felt asleep all of a sudden… ;-)

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone was a really nice sight. We went to all the lookouts and even hiked to the brink of the lower falls and upper falls. See our Yellowstone photo album for more pictures. Travelling on, we saw Tower Roosevelt with lots of Hoodoos, more wildlife (even blocking the road) and a petrified tree. Our last station was Mammoth Hot Springs, where we saw Liberty Cap and Palette Spring – looking like the small brother of Pamukkale in Turkey. Mammoth was a nice city as well, especially because the deers were walking through the streets and in the gardens as if they were humans.

During that day, we saw so many cars with different nice-looking license plates that we decided to start a picture collection. So far, our picture list counts about the half of all U.S. states and half of the Canadian provinces. But – we’ve just started!

Finally leaving wonderful Yellowstone Nationalpark, we left through the north entrance to the city of Gardiner. There we called the Bozeman KOA for reservation and were told, that it’s only a 40min drive to get there. 90min later (as our nüvi told us as well) we arrived at the campground and asked what we did wrong. The guy there just laughed: “Oh, you’ve talked to Ashley – you know, she’s a blond. What else do I have to say…”

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