Monday, September 3, 2007

The eternal ice

After a rainy Sunday afternoon, we didn’t expect a lot of Jasper Nationalpark. However, the weather turned sunny again and we were able to value the impressive nature again. We started the day with a hike to the Athabasca Glacier, where we walked on the secured part of the ice and laughed at the people who were freezing. As we are Austrians, we prepared for that event wearing ten layers :-)

We again met two Germans who were traveling with an RV. After telling them our story of the bear in Yellowstone Park, the man became very envious, because his girlfriend was not courageous enough to sleep in a tent.

We carried on visiting more sites along the Icefields Parkway such as Bubbling Springs, Athabasca Falls, Maligne Canyon etc. We also traveled on the old Highway A93, which has been suggested by the travel guide - but we can’t suggest it. The street was covered with tears and road holes. Of course, we were looking for bears all the time, but we weren’t able to see any :-(

We finally left Jasper Nationalpark (again, see our photo album) in the afternoon and traveled on to our last destination, which was Edmonton. We also experienced Navigation Optimization when our Nüvi led us trough a housing estates in order to avoid a U-turn. Please notice our shortcut besides :-) Finally we found the campground we were searching for and got a nice place for our tent. There we also met an Oilfield Engineer from Calgary who was really nice and told me lots of important details about the ILSC home stay program. Being more North than ever before in our lives we fell asleep under the stars.


imi said...

danke für die tolle Berichterstattung und die super Fotos. Julia, gehst du im Fasching als Bär und musst fest üben? ggg
Freue mich auf die nächsten Berichte.
Bussi Imi

Julia said...

Ja ich hab auf dem Foto schon einmal für Halloween geübt, das ja jetzt bald ist ;-)

H.&.C. said...

Liebe Julia, lieber Andi,
wir haben Euere Berichte und Fotos wirklich genossen und Euch sehr um Euere tolle Reise beneidet, trotz der vielen Bären.
Wir hoffen es geht Euch weiterhin gut, obwohl ja jetzt ein anderer Wind weht: die Strapazen beim Studieren werden Euch aber sicher auch nicht zur Schnecke machen.
Wir haben inzwischen unsere Trauben geerntet und am 'Jungcousinentreffenin Furx teilgenommen, und werden morgen beim 'Altcousinentreffen'in Nenzing sein. Jedenfalls geht's uns gut ...
Viele Grüße
die Röthner